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Watch Drew Brees & Mark Ingram Talk About Sean Payton Bringing in Lombardi Trophy + $225K Cash

We all saw the news yesterday about Sean Payton and the Saints. If you happened to miss all the madnes, here is a quick recap.

Yesterday, Sean Payton and four armed guards walked into the Saints locker room with the 2009 Vince Lombardi Trophy and $225k in cash. Payton laid the items on the table and simply said “You guys want this? Then win 3 F*cking games,” and walked out the room.

The story has already gone on to be an absolute thing of legend. And yesterday, Drew Brees and Mark Ingram weighed in on the story with some of their own veteran insight. You can watch the full videos below!

Life Coach, Teacher, Baseball coach, Entrepreneur, Traveler, Dreamer, Nola Shipfam..all of the above.

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