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1,000 Gallons of Syrup Flooded A Busy New Orleans Street Last Night [Photo & Video]

Syrup is one of those substances you can’t seem to get rid of. Even hours after downing your morning breakfast, that Syrup smell seems to stay with you. 

Most people are only dealing with the sticky substance in small quantities. Maybe one or two ounces at the most. So what happens when 1,000 + gallons of the Syrup spill out into the public? Well, it presents one hell of a hazardous moment. 

Last night New Orleans faced this reality as 1,000 gallons of syrup spilled down a block of North Rampart Street Monday evening. 

A large container truck was traveling on North Rampart Street when its load of syrup began leaking from the container. The results were as you can see very sticky for both residents and clean up crews. NOLA.Com covered the spill extensively and the photos and videos are as wild as you think they would be. See all the pictures and videos below. 


Featured Image: Kristie Lynn Chadwick

Featured Media: David Grunfeld with NOLA.COM 

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