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Hemp & CBD Regulation Bill Passes in Louisiana Senate, Headed to House for Approval

The Louisiana state Senate voted to legalize hemp production and create regulations for businesses selling CBD products around the state.

The measure was issued by Gonzales Republican Clay Schexnayder and overwhelmingly passed with 34-2. 

Confusion over what Hemp & CBD are kept this from happening a long time ago. The two are in the cannabis family, but contain mere traces of THC. Hemp is used in textiles, fuels and other products. CBD is beneficial for oils and health treatments for certain patients. 

The Farm Bill approved by Congress last year legalized industrial hemp by removing it from the list of federally controlled substances. It gives states the opportunity to develop a hemp-growing program if the U.S. Agriculture Department approves it.

More than 30 states already have adopted hemp programs. The industry has quickly become a billion-dollar industry in the United States. The proposal would require a hemp growing and production regulatory plan to be submitted to the USDA by Nov. 1.

CBD passes 

In another landmark vote, the legislation also outlines a process for selling CBD in the state. This has been a hot button issue as big cities like New Orleans, Lafayette, and Baton Rouge already sell the product. 

CBD productions have been a gray area under current Louisiana law, with state and local officials disagreeing over whether CBD products and sales are illegal. Just recently, a shop dedicated to CBD products in Lafayette was shut down under a cloud of scrutiny. 

“This will make it a lot easier for consumers to get,” said Republican Sen. Fred Mills from Parks.

“Everybody will have an opportunity to use something that helps them.”

– Republican Sen. Jack Donahue.

The House-backed legislation was rewritten in the Senate and must return to the House for consideration of the changes before reaching final passage.

H/T: Melinda Deslatte, Associated Press

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