Entertainment & Art New Orleans Music

Iceman Special to Play Brand New Event Venue – The Nest – in St. Claude

The Iceman Special is making their New Orleans comeback this weekend, and at a brand new event space.  The band will play The Nest, created by Raven PMG, May 7 – 8 in the St. Claude neighborhood.

The swamp-rock band announced their two-night run in an Instagram post, stating only that they’ll be building “a festival-sized stage for 2 nights of rock in New Orleans.”

As live music slowly starts creeping back on to our calendars, hopefully we’ll see a lot more from the funk-a-delic four piece. Their annual music fest, Krewe de Void, was cancelled last year in the midst of COVID, but 2021 looks promising.

“Krewe de Void pre parties and after parties announced this week,” the group reported.

Ever since we saw Iceman debut their sophomore album at the Joy Theatre in 2019, we’ve fallen hard for their live performances. A bit of funk & disco, some old school rock ‘n roll and a big New Orleans heart have helped them grow their fan base.

Joining The Iceman Special is art-pop duo People Museum and DJ Tristan Dufrene for Friday’s show, and jazz group Jank Setup with In Da Skreets (van set) for Saturday. For some of the groups, this will be their first live performance in over a year. 

Get your tickets for this Friday + Saturday here.

The event is powered by Raven, a self-described “growing team of mad scientists pushing the industry to the limit of obscenity for nearly a decade.” But you might know them as the design, production and fabrication team behind our beloved BUKU Music + Arts Festival.

Their upcoming event with the Iceman Special will be hosted at a venue only known as The Nest. The warehouse space is located on Montegut and St. Claude, a block behind Harold’s Plants. As this is the first event in the space, it’s still unclear what the weekend will hold. But we can tell ya, if it involves us being able to dance to some local funk together again – we’ll be there.

Get your tickets for this Friday + Saturday here.


New Orleans mystic with a love for love. Writer, yogi, explorer, tune chaser. A wild haired moon child just trying to figure it out. Find me @thelocalmystic and at www.thelocalmystic.com

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