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Movies & TV Shows Filming In Louisiana Right Now And How To Get Involved

New Orleans has been a hot bed for TV and Film production this summer. With Keanu Reeves and the Bill & Ted crew dominating news, along with Jay & Silent Bob Reboot hitting town, and several Jennifer Lawrence & Russell Crowe sightings. There has even been several dating shows looking for New Orleans residents to join their ranks as well.

And as the summer wraps up, the boom is continuing here in the “Hollywood of the South” with tons of new productions kicking off. According to the Louisiana Entertainment website, some of these shows are looking to hire right now. So if you are looking to get your feet wet, and join as an extra on some great productions crews, this might be your chance. 

Below is a current list of what is filming in New Orleans and surrounding areas right now. Be sure to check out the contact info for each project HERE. And remember, they are constantly updating on this site, so check back again real soon. Good luck!

  • ‘Filthy Rich’. TV show filming in New Orleans with ‘Sex and the City’ alum Kim Cattral.
  • ‘Power’ feature film set in New Orleans
  • Television series ‘Your Honor’, with ‘Breaking Bad’ alum Bryan Cranston
  • ‘NCIS:New Orleans’ now filming season 6 in New Orleans
  • Post production on the film ‘Unhinged’ staring Russel Crowe
  • ‘Paradise Lost’ television series staring Josh Hartnett
  • ‘Purge’ season 2 television series


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