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Arts Council New Orleans Transforms Canal Place with SALON

Arts Council New Orleans and Canal Place partner to bring new creative life to an urban retail space with SALON. SALON is a rotating gallery of artist showcases with six-month residencies each fall and spring. 

Their goal for SALON is to bring beauty and art to the urban retail spaces at Canal Place. Since the closing of the Theatres at Canal Place on the third floor, Canal Place could use some vibrant new creatives in the building and that’s what exactly what Arts Council New Orleans offers. With a conglomerate of multi-media artists, playwrights, muralists, theatre troupes, there is so much to see and experience.

“Art in Everything”

Arts Council New Orleans has just welcomed their second round of residents as part of their initiative to “use public space to activate creative energy”.

We spoke with Lindsay Glatz of Arts Council New Orleans and she believes this project is not only beneficial to the community but the artists as well.

Some of these artists are just stepping out on their own as a full-time artist and need affordable (or free) studio space. Many of the artists on this roster also have careers and jobs, and this space allows them to hone their skills and talents to prepare to take the plunge.

Also, it allows the community to watch these artists transform and create in this free-flowing and ever-changing space. 

“Education Through Community”

The SALON art studios came together about a year ago as Arts Council New Orleans saw a need for more creative space. Canal Place has offered Arts Council New Orleans an excellent working partnership.

According to Lindsay Glatz, Canal Place has been “a tremendous partner in this project, providing the resources and support for the artists to make this dream project come to life.” This is the second round of 6-month residencies lasting from May till the end of October. Check here for updates on SALON and more artist opportunities from the Arts Council. 

salon canal place salon canal place salon canal place SALON canal place


There are two rotating gallery showcase spaces in the front that are viewable from the display windows. Then 7 other artist studio spaces in the back. The gallery’s hours are Wednesday through Monday from 1 – 6 pm. Patrons can get a tour of the gallery from one of the resident artists. You may even catch some artists hard at work in their studio creating something new! 

Here are the artists who are currently working in the SALON studios for the next 6 months:

Beverly Alomepe  (On display now)
Danielle Hein 
D. Lammie Hanson 
Femaissance (On display now)
Xavier Juarez 
Crystal Efemmes comprised of Vanessa Centeno, Robyn LeRoy-Evans, Cristina Molina, and Ryn Wilson

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