
Cōfresi: The Next Artist You Need to Know

If you haven’t heard the name CōFRESI, you are definitely sleeping on one of the biggest up and coming artists of 2017. CōFRESI is a percussionist by nature with an insane production capability which makes his show a completely live yet mixed, performance. Seeing Cōfresi is captivating, you can tell playing drums is what he was always meant to do. He isn’t just a drummer balancing a rhythm, he plays as though the set is an extension of his soul.

Don’t take our word for it, check out this recent video of his new remix for “Broken” by DNMO & Sub Urban.


Cōfresi has been on an amazing trajectory in the last few months. Currently, on his first solo tour, he gave River Beats some insight on large vs. intimate shows and venues.

“The big sets are really fun to play for people. To see the massive crowds go up and down. And get stoked on the way you’re playing. I think they both have their positives. It depends on how you handle the situation. I like to meet people, so in intimate sets; I get to meet everyone in the crowd. Spread the word. Let them know who I am.”

I’m not trying to be a mysterious figure. I’m a real person”.

He began his journey several years ago in the music scene as a touring drummer with ProbCause, who gave him the experience and some production techniques that we see today in his live sets.

“The funny thing is I was actually touring, much love to the man Probcause, Colin Grimm, he brought me out, I was his touring drummer for about 3 years and through the process of playing with him, I kinda built this setup I ended up using for my solo project. I learned so much about the road and touring and traveling and to experience just a new era. To show people what you do and have new people from new cities experience you as an individual.”

Cōfresi also broke down exactly what his live setup is all about. When you watch him play live, it can be hard to keep up with all that is going down onstage. He essentially has four main elements going at all times.

“My setup is basically doing 4 things. I’m mixing, I’m playing MPC stuff with launch pads and launching actual samples, playing digital drums, and real drums.”

“So it gives love to all 4 of those aspects. And I try to respect all 4 of the individual fields in their own, but also give them as strong as I can. So I’m not going to be playing the drums the whole time, but I’m going to give that nice build-up of you don’t know what I’m going to do next and I love that. And hopefully, people will watch and enjoy it too.”

As we previously mentioned, Cōfresi is an artist you will see climbing the lineup rosters. While we can’t give too much information away, we did get this little tidbit from the man himself.

“We got a new addition to the team that I can not name this second, but things are about to change because of this individual. I’ll just say shout out to Madison House.”

You heard it here first, look to see the Cōfresi name blasted everywhere within the next year. Huge collaborations and new projects are currently in the works. While we can only dream, here are a few artists he named as his dream collabs.

“Top 3 right now are probably… Odesza, STS9, and Illenium.

River Beats: Which one is going to happen first? Most realistic today?

Cōfresi: All of them could happen. In the next year!”

Though these are only dreams, for now, look to see Cōfresi on some huge rosters this year. And if you haven’t caught up with this one of a kind artist, check out his work here. In the meantime, here’s a tasty little tidbit to hook you.

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This article was a collaborative effort by James Antin and Megan Robinson.

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