
WATCH Marshmello Drop his Brand new Justin Bieber Remix “Let me Love you” (Exclusive)

New Orleans

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, the name marshmello should ring a bell. The masked star has released some of the biggest tracks of 2016, including his song, “Alone,” which sits within the Spotify top 100 tracks. His latest single, “Ritual,” after which his tour is named, is steadily climbing to the top of the charts as well.



marshmello is currently on a massive 5 month tour, stopping in international cities such as Delhi, India and Beijing, China. He recently made a stop at Republic Nola in New Orleans, Louisiana, and paid fans a special treat by dropping an enormous unreleased collaboration with DJ Snake for Justin Bieber’s hit single “Let Me Love You”. The original track has been a massive hit by any measure, it peaked at number 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 and has racked up a whopping 448 million streams on Spotify. Only marshmello’s touch could make it even bigger.

marshmello opened up to his New Orleanian fans that this is the first time he had ever played this new track live.

Watch BELOW!

Our video was taken by New Orleans native Hammad Moe 

Photo Credit: Becca Wilbee 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6CRPRwSmyI]

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