
Two Months Out, Huge Headliners Set to Take the Stage At Voodoo 2017

The company behind Voodoo Music & Arts Experience, C3 Presents is known for a number of things as festival organizers: world-class festivals, making people stand up and cheer, and, of course, booking superstar headlining acts. In 2016, when Voodoo officially became a part of C3 Presents’ network–which includes Lollapalooza and Austin City Limits–it was clear that the New Orleans festival would take a dramatic shift.

Whether that shift would be for better or for worse was still up in the air going into Voodoo 2016.

As a fan, and a longtime attendee, of Voodoo, I have to admit that the C3 team ridiculously knocked it out the park last year. C3 Presents stepped in where Live Nation had previously been underperforming as festival organizers in the years prior. 2014 and 2015 were some of the worst years for the 3-day festival–with floods canceling the third day of the event in 2015.

With a fresh start and a new approach to VoodooC3 Presents provided better sound, production, curation, and even the most basic logistics. While it may seem like I’m fangirling over C3 Presents, it’s hard not to gush at the success achieved in their very first year as Voodoo organizers.

So, how might C3 Presents continue to make strides upward?

It’s real simple. In an age when more and more festivals focus on one genre or target demographic, C3 Presents is proof that booking artists from all genres, with fan bases both big and small, is key. It’s key to delivering a successful lineup each year, which is key to a festival’s ongoing survival. It’s just a fact–a fact that C3 Presents clearly understands.

This is exactly what C3 Presents has done with this year’s lineup. In a very Lollapalooza fashion, Voodoo’s 2017 lineup includes big-name headliners who all appeal to every genre and group of people out there: Kendrick Lamar, DJ Snake, LCD Soundsystem, The Killers, and The Foo Fighters.

Voodoo Music + Arts Experience will be held over Halloween weekend (October 27–29, 2017) at City Park, located in the heart of New Orleans. Still need to buy tickets? GA and VIP passes (3-day) are still available via the festival’s website.

Don’t be surprised to see your 10-year-old cousin, and your 65-year-old grandfather enjoying every aspect of this festival. Think of Voodoo as a festival for all ages, and all people.

Featured Image: Experience New Orleans! 

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