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Black Lives Matter Protests Continue Throughout the City This Week

After a peaceful weekend of protests in the city of New Orleans, the movement continues this week for 7 days of action. Protests began this weekend on Saturday morning at Duncan Plaza, and continued Sunday with peaceful protests and marching in solidarity. The NOPD even thanked protestors this weekend: “The New Orleans Police Department appreciates the way demonstrators conducted themselves today while exercising their right to free speech.”

Standing against racist police terror and standing with George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many others that needlessly lost their lives, if you are interested in joining the community and the fight, there are five different opportunities. Today through Thursday, those that wish to practice their right to protest can meet at Duncan Plaza at 6pm. On Friday, it will begin at 6pm at Jackson Square.

For more information, contact the New Orleans Workers Group at or 504-671-7853.

Featured image via Mayor Cantrell.

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