NBC’s show “The Voice” has given tons of artists a platform that might not have ever had the opportunity to perform. Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson, and John Legend have grown quite the following of fans for “The Voice” and now, New Orleans watchers have even more reason to tune in! On last Tuesday’s episode, NOLA native Jordan Chase was scooped up for Blake Shelton‘s team.
Jordan Chase played “Makin’ Me Look Good” by Drake White and immediately captured the ears of Shelton. He praised Chase for having quite the range; “… a lot of times when people have that sandpaper voice, they don’t have the range that you have, they don’t have the accuracy, the quickness,” said Shelton.
The show airs every Monday and Tuesday at 7pm on NBC. Don’t miss out on Season 17!
Check out the blind audition below:
Featured image via Pensacola News Journal.