
Meet Noah Tingle: The Teen That Greets His Little Brother in A Different Costume Everyday

During my time in elementary school, my mom pretty much drove me to school every day. I never knew the experience of riding on a school bus, but I can imagine it being nerve-racking at times. 

With that being said, kids sometimes look up to family members to provide moral support when the bus does arrive. 

And a recent story from right here in Central Louisiana reinforces that notion. Noah Tingle is a senior at Central high school and made the news this week after sharing his unique story revolving his younger brother Max.

Noah greets Max every day, wearing a different costume, such as a football player, firefighter, Santa Claus, or Max’s favorite, Chewbacca. Rain or shine, Noah is always there to greet Max with a new ridiculous costume.


Noah shares each day on his Facebook page titled the Bus Brother. Each day Noah uploads a video showing himself greeting max, so far Noah has uploaded 10 different videos, each as funny and awesome as the day before. 


Noah is planning to head to college next year and will keep the daily ritual for as long as he can. You can head to Noah’s Facebook page here to see all his videos! 

Featured Image: IrishNews.Com

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