Culture, Events, & Music Entertainment & Art Events New Orleans Music

Tonight: The Iceman Special Hosting Special Live-Stream In Support of NOLA Musicians

Our favorite swamp-funk four-piece, The Iceman Special, is hosting a special live-stream tonight in support of the New Orleans music industry.  

If you’re into screeching yet smooth guitars, wandering yet punchy bass lines, electronic synth samples, driving drum beats and powerful vocals, this live stream is for you. This funky group has been on our radar for the last two years, and we can’t wait to tune in for a special broadcast to help support New Orleans. 

In a special NOLA twist, The Iceman Special plans to host their live-stream at The Funky Uncle, a Mardi Gras float den in New Orleans. The stream will feature a 6 camera, professional-quality stream, one of the only ones of its kind in New Orleans right now. 

“This special concert series is being staged to raise money for New Orleans Musicians and all of those in the music industry who have been and are being affected by COVID-19. We plan to stream directly on Facebook live, Twitch, and Youtube from a safe distance. We hope you enjoy and if able, donate to help the cause!” – The Iceman Special 

Along with the live broadcast, The Iceman Special plans to unveil Part I of their multi-part docu-series “Organized Chaos & Illusory.” The episodic docu-series focuses on the growth of Fête du void, the annual 2-day camping, music & arts getaway, created by The Iceman Special. 

Tune in tonight, Friday, April 17, at 7:00 PM central to join the party. The event is being broadcasted on Facebook live, Youtube, and Twitch. You can visit all of the live channels below. If you are looking to help support local NOLA musicians, you can donate HERE via Paypal or Gofundme. Venmo is also available using the username @fridaysfromthefunkyuncle-music

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