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Central Pastor Holds Public Service Hours After Arrest on Violating Louisiana’s Stay-At-Home Order

It seems to be a problem throughout the country. Pastors and church leaders defying orders from their regional governments and holding large services. Now a pastor in Central Baton Rouge is facing heat once again only hours after his first arrest for violating Louisiana stay-at-home mandate. 

As reported by NOLA.COM / The Advocate pastor Tony Spell of the Life Tabernacle Church in Central held a large religious service Tuesday night. The service came just hours after city police arrested him after his first violation of the current Louisiana stay at home law. 

Spell was issued a summons that the Central police department deemed worthy of jail time. The pastor, however, was not taken to jail after his first run in. After this latest event, Central police officers will step up their efforts to curtail traffic at the Life Tabernacle Church.

Pastor Spell is claiming the stay-at-home law is violating his first amendment rights, and he plans to continue the services under his notion of religious freedom. More than 1,200 people came together for Sunday service at the Church.

You can read the full story from NOLA.COM here. 

H/T: The Advocate 

Featured Photo: WGNO.COM

  1. Pingback: Central Pastor Holds Easter Service For 1,300, Violating Louisiana’s Stay-At-Home Order Again

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