Happy Feel Good Friday everyone, and get ready for some happy news. Earlier this week, the LSPCA posted on Facebook about a kitten that they noticed trapped on the Crescent City Connection. One of their team members heard the meows of a kitten, but couldn’t quite figure out where it was. That was until they realized it was on the highway above them!
With the aid of the New Orleans Fire Department, they were able to place food, water, and a cat trap to try to catch the kitten, but were unsuccessful the first time.
They returned the following day and saw that the kitten had ate the food, but unfortunately the trap did not catch it. They re-set the trap in hopes of it working the next time.
And today, the LSPCA announced via Facebook the good news: they caught him/her! The kitten spent about a week up under the bridge and survived. Thanks to the New Orleans Fire Department and the LSPCA for never giving up on this kitten!