
Nationally Acclaimed Witchy Author Pam Grossman Speaks in the Bywater

Pam Grossman in New Orleans

We’re a pretty historically witchy city here in New Orleans. The initial path laid by voodoo and hoodoo priestesses have long been upheld. This past weekend, one of the big voices in modern witchy practices came through the Bywater to speak.

Pam Grossman is the creator and host of The Witch Wave podcast. Her latest book Waking the Witch was just released earlier this year, and takes a look at the archetype of the witch and how she has taken shape through history and culture. Her writing has appeared in such outlets as the New York Times, The Atlantic,, Sabat Magazine, and her occulture blog, Phantasmaphile.


She stopped in New Orleans to talk about the witch at an art gallery called The Front on Saturday night. Presented by artists collective the Crystal Efemmes, the gallery explore the power of femininity through sculptures, light installations and multimedia presentations. 

The event was a testament to the power of community and creativity. After an unexpected downpour forced the previously outdoor event to move inside, 40 people huddled on the floor of the installation to hear Pam speak. 

Pam Grossman in New Orleans

This was the last event of the Crystal Efemmes’ seasonal series called ‘The Fall.’ The quartet share the themes of mysticism, feminism and body politics throughout their work. You can explore their upcoming events and installations here. 

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