Events New Orleans Music Top Stories

Los Angeles Producer SNBRN Returns to the Big Easy This Weekend & You Shouldn’t Miss It

One of the most recognizable names in Dance music is blessing New Orleans for two shows this weekend. SNBRN will induce shuffles at Republic NOLA on Saturday and The Drifter on Sunday.

New Orleans is rarely blessed with big-name house artists. SNBRN is a veteran of his profession, with 2019 being the sixth year of the project. He blends elements of deep house and indie dance to bring a brighter take on a traditionally darker genre, officially labeling his brand as “Sunset House.”  

Furthermore, Republic NOLA and The Drifter are the perfect venues to host a house party. Republic offers dark, raw night vibes, whereas The Drifter features a pool vibe which will be much needed when doors open at 3 p.m. in the New Orleans heat.

If that isn’t enough to convince you, local support will come courtesy of Concourse. A longtime New Orleans house producer himself, he’s sure to get the party started properly for both shows.

Check out some SNBRN and Councourse‘s singles below and cop your tickets here! These are two parties you don’t want to miss.

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Featured photo of Drifter Hotel courtesy of Ryan Theriot

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